Did you know that the Lockwood Landfill recycles? It is continually exploring ways to reduce waste into the landfill to help conserve natural resources and landfill space. Among the many materials it diverts from the landfill for new uses are:
- Asphalt
- Construction and demolition (cement, brick, wood, etc)
- Corrugated Cardboard
- Used Oil
- Used Antifreeze
You can help the recycling effort by separating these materials from your waste prior to coming to the landfill. Once at the landfill, all you have to do is roll up to one of the recycle locations to unload your materials. There are signs posted that direct the public to the different recycle areas.
Thank you in advance for helping to conserve and reuse recyclable materials. Providing sustainable solutions for municipal solid waste helps pave the way to decreased waste in Northern Nevada.